TV serials as an indicator of inflation

by: Divorced one like Bush

Just a little point of order regarding how bad this economy is.

Lost in Space 120 episodes, 33.2 per season
Batman (on twice weekly) 120 episodes, 53.33 per season
The Virginian, 249 episodes, 27.67 per season
The Beverly Hillbillies, 274 episodes, 30 per season
Gilligan’s Island, 98 episodes, 32.67 per season

New season started this year around September 22. Last Monday night (10/27/08), CBS sitcom night, my date night with my flower girl… every one of the shows was a repeat.

It’s bad enough we get 7 minutes of commercials all timed to the other networks, but now they can’t even get to Halloween before running out of new shows!

We’re entering a depression, and we can’t get new comedy? Guess I’ll just have to rely on the real thing. All 190 of them.

On no! They’ve been co-oped.

There is only one solution. We must all immediately call our congress critters and the presidential candidates and demand a bailout for the sitcom industry! It is our only salvation, our only true hope. It is what worked in the past regarding our sanity and stopped us from becoming like the bankers we loath.