Canada, Canada

🙂 Canadian reserves make mouths water:

When the U.S. Department of Energy formally acknowledged these reserves in 2003, it vaulted Canada’s oil reserves from 21st to 2nd in the world, behind only Saudi Arabia. It’s little wonder then that the U.S. Energy Policy Development Group has described the tar sands as “a pillar of sustained North American energy and economic security.” Canada’s so-called “black gold” has come to be regarded as an abundant, secure, and affordable source of crude oil.

I would add that the Canadian side of the Great Lakes can be siphoned off to the US southwest and Wisconsin, and the water also used to sort out the oil from the sand pits in Alberta. Since we can leave the bad oily stuff there in Canada we do not have to buy it, which makes the oil a lot cheaper. The remainder of the water can be used to raise the level of the US side of the Lakes to aid our shipping industry.

Since Australia does not exist except in imagination, maybe they are safe. Not much water, that’s for sure. Although the markets are full of imaginative ideas. Hmmmm.