Tony Snow’s Criticism of George W. Bush

Think Progress, Christy Hardin Smith, and the DSCC congratulate Tony Snow on his being appointed as President Bush’s chief excuse maker with a few quotes from the past. Byron York provides us with one of his reader’s views on all of this:

Of course, these (Center for American Progress) are among the same people who most loudly whine about Fox being the mouthpiece for the administration. Do you suppose they realize their clever selection of Snow quotes defeats their other argument? Mr. York, at least it can’t be said then that Bush only surrounds himself with “yes men” in his “bubble.” We can knock these lefty critcisms right out.

One example of how Mr. Snow has criticized Bush dates back to August 25, 2000:

On one side stands Gore, who envisions an America where every day is Halloween and every tree conceals an ogre from Big Something … The Gore Democrats believe every faction deserves some dough. Gore dutifully proposed an unprecedented spending spree – as much as $2 trillion in new stuff over the next decade. He has programs for virtually everything. But nobody in his entourage seems to have asked the pertinent question: Has any federal program ever solved a problem and then closed its doors? … On the policy side, he [Bush] has become a classical dime-store Democrat. He gladly will shovel money into programs that enjoy undeserved prestige, such as Head Start. He seems to consider it mean-spirited to shut down programs that rip-off taxpayers and mislead supposed beneficiaries.

Our argument is that Snow and the rest of the Fox News crowd is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the Republican Party. Last I checked, the Republican Party pretends it is for a smaller government. OK, they don’t back their rhetoric with action. But how is attacking Al Gore as allegedly being a big spender, while suggesting Head Start is a boondoggle in any way contradicting our argument?