Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Water, Rights and Privileges, and Global Markets

An article about famine in the Horn of Africa by Maude Barlow appeared today. It is worth your consideration. (h/t coberly) My own response is in comments. Following are excerpts: Most Westerners see the crisis in the Horn of Africa as a combination of a large population, chronic poverty, corruption on the part of African […]

World Water and ho hum

David Zetland at Aguanomics suggests that the problems worldwide with water for drinking and as importantly sanitation receives little attention. I like the poll on his site which suggests for the US that floods or droughts are the main driving force getting us to notice, or special interests. World Water WTF Today (March 22) is […]

King of California

David Zetland at Aguanomics offers this review of a topic that gets little national attention – the use of water between watershed areas, water rights, and how we value water to date at least in this area of the country. Use of water and policy on water use tends to be regionally and locally based, […]


Ten great cities dying of thirst in Wallstreet 24/7 points to a problem already serious in some cases, and during the 2007/2008 drought made readily apparent – our lack of will to address water infrastructure problems and replacement, and our use of water that is outstripping sources. This report by Ceres and Water Asset Management […]

GAO report on the Great Lakes

The GAO reports on the inability to measure small amounts of toxins in the Great Lakes that can cause harm. The same is true, as described in other posts, for unborns and babies. Is this a worthy function of government to oversee, water and babies being crucial also to us? How would a free market […]

Water in the works in December 07

The Great Lakes Water Resources Compact was signed last December by the governors of the eight states that border the lakes β€” Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York β€” and the premiers of the Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario. The agreement requires approval of state legislatures before it is sent […]

Reclaiming water

The LA Times reports on one way to deal with a shortage of drinking water: As a hedge against water shortages and population growth, Orange County has begun operating the world’s largest, most modern reclamation plant — a facility that can turn 70 million gallons of treated sewage into drinking water every day.The new purification […]

Oil and water do not mix to our benefit

The Albuquerque Tribune editorializes: In oil drilling, the question is always who suffers and who benefits – not in the abstract but in the details of daily lives. Sure, the American economy needs more American oil. But mining and property laws are often ruinous to ranchers, farmers and homeowners who are beset by drillers, their […]