Relevant and even prescient commentary on news, politics and the economy.

Phil Ebersole: Monopoly power and what to do about it

Blogger Phil Ebersole writes today in a post titled “Monopoly power and what to do about it” (all boldface in original): The trouble with the U.S. economy is monopoly power. Concentrated business power means less consumer choice, less opportunity for entrepreneurs and greater concentration of wealth. Senator Elizabeth Warren Senator Elizabeth Warren described the problem very […]

ANTITRUSSSTTT! (Bernie Sanders did SO talk about antitrust during his campaign. A LOT. But thank you, Elizabeth Warren, for picking up that mantle now.)

A detailed update follows the original post. ____ Is the window closing on Bernie Sanders’s moment? A number of folks, your humble blogger included, have suggested as much. We’ve argued that with Democrats seeming to unite behind Hillary Clinton, it’s possible that the longer Sanders withholds his endorsement for her in the quest to make […]

Why Does Hillary Clinton Think We Want Elizabeth Warren to Be Vulnerable?

Hillary Clinton says women are “held to a totally different standard” in politics — and that it’s been that way since she first ran for office. “You’re expected to be both strong and vulnerable at the same time,” Clinton said in BuzzFeed’s “Another Round” podcast that was published online Sunday. “That’s not easy to do.” The Democratic […]