OODA Loop applied?

The OODA Loop is described in short at the link.

OODA Loop Theory [OODA is an acronym that stands for a rapid, repeated cycle of Orient, Observe, Decide, Act.]

Go and read about the OODA Loop, and come to understand how he applied it to high-speed aerial combat, and then how he applied it to ground combat (his work was embraced by the US Marine Corps), and then how he briefed the Secretary of Defense on his theory just before Desert Storm, and how that theory was successfully applied to the initial knock-out punch thrown at Saddam in Kuwait.

And when you come to a higher understanding about the OODA Loop, and how it uses information gleaned from the opponent and the environment and thrust into the decision-making loop rapidly so that you may stay one step ahead of your opponent, then I want you to remember that Dick Cheney was briefed on it.

And then I want you to ponder, for a minute, the use of Total Information Awareness campaigns, data-mining, and various intelligence-gathering methods available to the US government; these are the sources for information that are pumped into the complex loop.

And then I want you to remember that Cheney was briefed…

And then I want you to consider how this OODA loop has likely been used for domestic political purposes….

And then I want you to consider, given the explosive theories suggested by Ruppert and Singh relative to the war games, and the use of very sophisticated software (PROMIS and PTECH), how the OODA loop may have played a role on 9/11.

I went out this weekend and bought the biography of Boyd (Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War, Robert Coram, Back Bay Books/Little, Brown & Co., 2002, ISBN 0-316-79688-3). I’d read it previously and have dozens of articles in my PC related to it.


The OODA loop appears to be a relatively simple cycle. However, given the multiple feedback loops, it is actually very complex. The best practitioner learns to simplify it and apply it instinctively and intuitively…literally, to fly by the seat of their pants…

From Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War, Robert Coram, Back Bay Books, Little Brown & Co., Boston 2002, p. 335-6:

“Understanding the OODA Loop is difficult. First, even though it is called a “loop”, it is not. A drawing of the Loop shows thirty arrows connecting the various ingredients, which means hundreds of possible “loops” can be derived….Even Boyd’s Acolytes do not always agree with what Boyd meant by the OODA Loop… The OODA Loop briefing contains 185 slides. “

The OODA loop is based on Boyd’s earlier thesis entitled “Destruction and Creation”, which links Godel’s Proof, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, and the second law of thermodynamics.

“…Boyd spent four years researching and writing and then distilling his [thesis] down to eleven pages; the result has the specific gravity approaching that of uranium. It is thick and heavy and ponderous, filled with caveats and qualifiers and arcane references that span theories never before connected. To read [it] is to fully appreciate the term “heavy sledding”. [Page 323]

You can download the pdf of Boyd’s “Destruction & Creation”

An important part of the thesis is an elaboration on the idea that a relationship exists between the observer and what is being observed. This idea is not original, but the author presents a new explanation of how we perceive physical reality. Several people can look at the same process or same event and each might see it in an entirely different fashion. A crowd streaming into a college football stadium is seen in significantly different ways by a fraternity member, a TV cameraman, the beer distributor, the security officer, and the college president. Furthermore, each process of observation changes what is being observed. The people in the football stadium, knowing that they are being recorded by a TV camera, might wave or shout or begin a spontaneous demonstration. The same crowd, knowing that security officers are monitoring them, might become subdued, or perhaps confrontational. If we are aware of the changes that take place during a dynamic interaction, we can and must reassess and recalculate our own relationship with that which we are observing; the process not only shapes what is being observed, but feedback reshapes the observer’s outlook. The TV cameraman searches out people who are not waving. Security officers become more vigilant because they know people in the crowd are disguising their behavior. A cycle begins, and it is repeated over and over again.

The OODA loop is used to create “the fog of war”.

“The act of observation is, of course, filtered. We usually see what we expect to see, not what is actually taking place. And what we do manage to observe is colored or tinted by our past experience. Once we actually observe something, our brain attempts to orient itself to the new information. Does it match our past experience, or our cultural background, or our genetic make-up? If not, is it powerful enough to significantly change our view of the world? One way or another, it becomes part of our new reality.”
Source: ISOBE

And our past experience, in a media-driven world, is colored by the images, stories, headlines, pronouncements and “leaks” given to us repetitively and programmatically.

Suggestion is a powerful tool. Keep that in mind when you listen to a car salesman.

He could shoot anyone down in simulated aerial combat simulations, an had done so for real as well. If this is the model, plus cell structure in departments of government, much can be accomplished. A bureaucracy operates in a very different way. And the good or bad intentions one expects from normal people has little room in this scheme.